Our Ranchers

Doug & Doni McClain – Rockin’ HD Ranch

Located in McClain County, on the river bottom of the South Canadian River. After retiring from a 32 year Naval career (7 of which were spent serving in Japan) Rear Admiral Doug McClain decided to follow his dream of raising high quality Wagyu cattle. Rockin’ HD provides world-class diverse Wagyu genetics and uses the latest breeding technologies. Calves are born and raised on our pastures and they take pride in delivering clean beef for your family. 

Zach Moffitt – Tractor Hat Farm

Zach Moffitt owns and operates Tractor Hat Farm in Goldsby, OK. Along with his family, he enjoys continuously improving the farm’s native grasses for the cattle. Increasing sustainability and beef quality are two of Zach’s favorite objectives. He especially likes treating his Wagyu to an occasional beer and a massage.


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